Adoption & Addiction by Paul Sunderland

Life Works Community Free Lecture – Adoption & Addiction by Paul Sunderland

למטה תמצאו באנגלית את תמצית ההרצאה. אנו בתהליך לתרגמה. מי שמוכן לסייע יבורך

The Life Works free lecture series is available online for the first time!  On November the 9th Paul Sunderland held a presentation on 'Adoption & Addiction' which was filmed, edited and now made available for you to view whenever you wish.  We hope to carry this out in the future and so we would appreciate any feedback or opinions you might have, so please leave a comment on this blog for us to better prepare our next online lecture.

Adoption & Addiction

The lecture drew on the clinical experience and information from the fields of Attachment Theory and Traumatology, to explore the particular difficulties in recovery for adoptees and those with early life cycle trauma.  So if an adoptee was facing the difficult of alcohol dependence, drug addiction, eating disorders, sex & love addiction, codependence or gambling, this lecture might provide an insight into their difficulties breaking free of this behavioural health problem…

The hypothesis is that the adoption wound is particularly powerful and enduring because it is a pre-verbal trauma that is stored in implicit memory systems rather than in explicit memory.  The effects of adoption can also be passed down through generationgs, making people affected vulnerable around issues of belonging and abandonment.

For the addicted adoptee, the hunger for attachment to a person, mood altering chemical or compulsive behaviour requires particular explanation, consideration and treatment.  Paul proposes that is may be helpful to think about these clients as suffering from co-occurring disorders of both addiction and post traumatic stress disorder.

Paul Sunderland

Paul Sunderland is an addictions psychotherapist, consultant and trainer with over 25 years of experience in working with addictions.  He is Executive Director of Outcome Consulting, a UK based consultancy providing a range of psychological services and solutions to the addictions field.

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